
The WHPA brings together the global organizations representing the world’s dentists, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists and physicians and speaks for more than 41 million health care professionals in more than 130 countries. The WHPA works to improve global health and the quality of patient care and facilitates collaboration among the health professions and major stakeholders.
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16 September 2024
Leaders of WHPA member organizations came together at the FDI congress in Istanbul on 14 September 2024 to highlight the importance of interprofessional collaboration and its impact on patient outcomes and healthcare delivery, in line with WHPA’s strategic priorities.
19 August 2024
Widespread support for WHPA’s call to protect health care in conflicts underlines World Humanitarian Day message to respect international rules of war.
11 June 2024
The WHPA was true to both its convening and advocacy role at this year’s World Health Assembly, bringing together the professions and other stakeholders at two WHPA-organized side events, and delivering hard-hitting statements to the national delegates at the Assembly.